
Popular italian magazines free
Popular italian magazines free

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Show premise: Un medico in famiglia might have the flavor of a children’s show, but it’s been entertaining Italians of all ages for nearly twenty years. Where to watch: RaiPlay, the streaming site of the Italian broadcasting network RAI (you can get a free account)

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Whether you’re laughing along with a goofy family comedy or you’re enthralled by a dark adrenaline-surging drama, with enough practice, you’ll be speaking like a true Italian molto presto. There are few better ways to immerse yourself in the Italian linguistic and cultural landscape than by opening your laptop, donning a pair of headphones and pressing the play button on a whole host of streamable Italian TV shows. Without a doubt, consuming popular media in your target language is one of the best ways to beef up your comprehension skills and give you a new cultural perspective to color your learning experience.

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Language learning can be regimented and scholarly, but to get the most out of it, you’ve got to transcend your textbook (or app!).

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